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Summary On a Typic Ustochrept soil incorporation of 10 tons/ha of a green manure plus submergence for 10 days followed by raising upland nursery checked iron chlorosis. In contrast, presubmergence with and without FYM and iron sulfate or pyrite were a failure. Nor weekly sprays with 3.0% iron sulfate were found very effective. The success of green manure plus submergence was associated with the mobilization of soil iron as a result of intense reduction and its subsequent retention in available form at a sufficient high level during the growth of upland nursery.  相似文献   
陆地棉核不育株扦插繁殖与宿生保持及杂种优势利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用广西南宁冬季无霜冻的气候特点,对陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)洞A细胞核雄性不育扦插株与宿生株及其杂交一代进行比较研究.结果表明:(1)1 a生扦插株开花较早,茎粗、主茎节间长度、铃重、子指4个性状显著好于实生株,但扦插株的种子产量显著低于实生株,其原因是果枝扦插形成的僵苗占扦插株的23.04%,而且扦插株全为不育株,实生株中则有50%左右的可育株;(2)2 a生扦插株性状与实生株无显著差异;(3)由扦插繁殖的不育株和种子繁殖的不育株配制的杂交F1代的产量与纤维品质无显著差异.因此认为,扦插繁殖陆地棉核不育株用于多年杂交制种是可行的,选择营养枝扦插是陆地棉核不育株扦插繁殖需要注意的关键问题. 宿生株及其杂交一代进行比较研究.结果表明:(1)1 a生扦插株开花较早,茎粗、主茎节间长度、铃重、子指4个性状显著好于实生株,但扦插株的种子产量显著低于实生株,其原因是果枝扦插形成的僵苗占扦插株的23.04%,而且扦插株全为不育株,实生株中则有50%左右的可育株;(2)2 a生扦插株性状与实生株无显著差异;(3)由扦插繁殖的不育株和种子繁殖的不育株配制的杂交F1代的产量与纤维品质无显著差异.因此认 ,扦插繁殖陆地棉核不育株用于多年杂交制种是可行的,选择营养枝扦插是陆地棉核不育株扦插繁殖需  相似文献   
Natural hybridisation in Old World buzzards (Buteo) is an uncommon phenomenon with important ecological implications. This genus constitutes an intricate radiation of genetically poorly differentiated raptors whose taxonomic classification is a frequent subject of debate. We report the first case of successful hybridisation between the African subspecies of the Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus cirtensis and Common Buzzard Buteo buteo buteo in a new contact zone in the Strait of Gibraltar (southern Spain). The hybrid offspring showed mixed characters from parental species indicating that, among others, hybridisation could explain the increasing presence of phenotypically odd reddish buzzards in southern Spain and northern Morocco. Given their close phylogenetic relation and their recently reduced allopatry, an increase in the hybridisation rate, fertile descendants and genetic introgression seem to be viable. We identify the potential contact zones where genetic monitoring is needed to gain insight on the real extent of this hybridisation and its possible effects on the current climate change scenario.  相似文献   
通过对高寒草甸生态系统内香鼬、艾虎和大(狂鸟)3种食肉类稳定性碳和氮同位素比值(δ13C和δ15N)的测定,依据同位素的质量平衡原理和IsoSource软件计算得到:小型哺乳类在香鼬、艾虎和大(狂鸟)食谱中的分配比例分别为26.8%、27.0%和29.2%;雀形目成鸟的分配比例为22.3%、47.7%和69.1%;雀形目幼鸟为50.9%、25.6%和1.70%.3种食肉类的稳定性碳和氮同位素分布模式在二维空间上存在明显分割,由此说明,香鼬、艾虎和大(狂鸟)之间存在明显的食物资源分割现象,同时也反映了三者在高寒草甸生态系统内共存的基础.  相似文献   
通过对高寒草甸生态系统内香鼬、艾虎和大鵟3种食肉类稳定性碳和氮同位素比值(δ^13C和δ^15N)的测定,依据同位素的质量平衡原理和IsoSource软件计算得到:小型哺乳类在香鼬、艾虎和大鵟食谱中的分配比例分别为26.8%、27.0%和29.2%;雀形目成鸟的分配比例为22.3%、47.7%和69.1%;雀形目幼鸟为50.9%、25.6%和1.70%。3种食肉类的稳定性碳和氮同位素分布模式在二维空间上存在明显分割,由此说明.香鼬、艾虎和大鵟之间存在明显的食物资源分割现象,同时也反映了三者在高寒草甸生态系统内共存的基础。  相似文献   
棉花优异纤维品质性状的双列杂交分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用5个具有不同纤维品质性状的品种(系)配制完全双列杂交组合20个,通过亲本和F1的2年随机区组试验,结果为除纤维整齐度受环境等因素影响较大,其余性状主要受遗传因素控制;在与环境的互作中,纤维强度和长度的互作效应小,麦克隆值的加性和母体效应及伸长率的显性效应与环境的互作较大,均达到了显著水平;遗传主效中,所有的研究性状不存在母体效应,以加性为主;强度与长度加性遗传率高,分别占77.6%和73.2%;麦克隆值的加性效应占45.2%,显性效应所占的比例在纤维性状中最高,为11.5%。纤维品质性状的群体平均优势仅麦克隆值的较高(3.2%),达到了显著水平,其余性状的优势仅为-0.4%-0.7%。纤维品质性状的遗传结果与杂种优势一致。在杂种优势利用时,可以通过双亲平均值的高低来预测F1的纤维品质表现。纤维强度、长度和细度的加性遗传率高,这些性状均可以早代选择。  相似文献   
We isolated 56 common buzzard (Buteo buteo) microsatellite loci from (AC)n‐ and (AAAG)n‐enriched genomic libraries. Eleven loci were tested on 90 individuals from Eastern Westphalia in Germany, yielding two to 17 alleles per locus (average 5.7) and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.11 to 0.93 (average 0.53). These highly variable microsatellite markers provide a powerful means for investigating population genetic diversity in the common buzzard, a little‐understood aspect of this widespread species.  相似文献   
Abstract. The upland moorlands of Wales are situated on the oceanic fringe of western Europe, and have experienced a long history of pastoral management. Recent vegetation data are analysed to assess the relative contribution of abiotic and anthropogenic factors to variation in habitat composition among the major upland ranges of this region. From a numerical analysis of plant community cover data, recorded from 65 sites covering 260 000 ha, a six‐cluster site classification emerged with striking biogeographical coherence. Direct gradient analysis and variance partitioning revealed strong correlation between vegetation composition and spatially‐structured climatic gradients, in particular temperature, rainfall and oceanicity; differences in bedrock geology appear to have a lesser role. The analysis also indicates a close correlation between habitat variation and anthropogenic parameters, especially grazing intensity, burning frequency, and sulphur and nitrogen deposition levels. At this regional scale, anthropogenic impacts appear to have accentuated, rather than obscured, vegetation patterns which are primarily determined by climate and other abiotic variables. The findings have considerable relevance for conservation planning and also for predictive studies on the consequences of climatic change for the biota of the uplands of southern Britain.  相似文献   
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